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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Rhufeinig Sant Joseff
Jesus: in our hearts, in our minds,
in our living, in our learning
Iesu: yn ein calonnau, yn ein
meddyliau, yn ein byw ac yn ein dysgu.


Jubilee Year 2025 Pilgrims of Hope

Jubilee Year 2025 Pilgrims of Hope


Every 25 years, the Catholic Church holds a Jubilee Year. All members of the global Church family are called to participate. It is a time to grow in our faith and prayer life; a time too to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another and with all creation.


On 24th December 2024, Pope Francis launched the latest Jubilee. The theme is ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. Pope Francis has called the global Church to celebrate the Jubilee together, with deep faith, lively hope, and active charity. Our scripture for our Launch Week will be the Gospel reading for the Sunday, from Luke 4, where Jesus makes it clear that his mission is to bring the justice and freedom of the Jubilee. Inspired by his example, we can share in his mission to create a world of justice, peace and love. In this very special year, we are all invited to journey together as pilgrims of hope, putting faith into action to build a better world for everyone.

Our Jubilee Year 2025 Pilgrims of Hope Launch Mass

Pilgrimage Walk


Our children and staff took part in a Pilgrimage Walk around the school grounds, responding and reflecting to stations created by the Chaplaincy Government Group.


Below is a video of the Pilgrimage Walk with the official Jubilee hymn playing to help you reflect on the meaning of this special year.

Pilgrimage Walk.mp4

Still image for this video

Children on their Pilgrimage Walk.mp4

Still image for this video

The Pilgrimage Walk Reflection Stations:


  • Reflection station 1 (EYLP playground) - we reflected upon the commissioned Jubilee icon, depicting Luke 4:16-21, from Mulugeta Araya.
  • Reflection station 2 (wellbeing area) - Jesus can be a guide during this Jubilee year, let us say the Our Father together.
  • Reflection station 3 (outdoor classroom) - break the chain. After the reflection story each class broke a paper chain as a symbol of how we are going to each make a difference in our communities and the world. We reflected on the story of Sandun Thudugala, an activist who speaks out for social justice in Sri Lanka, explained the impact that a huge debt burden is having in the country. As part of the Jubilee Year, we all hope for and try to work towards this liberation, in the knowledge that Jesus promised freedom for all.
  • Reflection station 4 (prayer garden) - the children spent some time in prayer by listening for God in nature. The children were attentive to the sights and sounds around. They took the time to ask God to make them aware of the sacredness of all living things, giving thanks for the abundance and beauty of the world. The children were asked what might God could be saying to them, or calling them to do, through His presence in creation. Then we said the Hail Mary together.
  • Reflections station 5 (amphitheatre) - the children reflected on the questions, how will you be a pilgrim of hope? How will you walk alongside people experiencing poverty? How will you take care of the earth and each other? Then finished the Pilgrimage walk with a reflection prayer which had the response, 'Guide us on our journey as pilgrims of hope.'