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Catholic Social Teaching is founded in Scripture and includes statements and letters written by Church leaders. It offers wisdom and insights on living the Gospel in today’s world. Modern Catholic Social Teaching is said to have originated in 1891 with the encyclical letter, Rerum Novarum. Since then, a wealth of teaching continues to give new life to the Scriptures and shape the Church’s response to our modern world. For example, Pope Francis continues to add to Catholic Social Teaching with his own encyclicals, including Laudato Si’ (2015) and Fratelli Tutti (2020).
From these Catholic Social Teaching documents and encyclicals, we can derive core principles.
Each half term, we are going to introduce the pupils to one of the Catholic Social Teaching principles through liturgy and classroom activities.
You are made in the image and likeness of God.
You are special, unique and important to God.
Treat everyone with the dignity and love they deserve.
In our liturgy, the scripture reading taught us that God created humans in His own image and likeness, which means that we are special and valuable to God. We thought about how treating someone with dignity means treating them with love, kindness and respect and that everyone should be treated with dignity because we are made in the image and likeness of God. This means we should care for each other, help those in need, and stand up for what is right, just like Jesus taught us.
Pray together:
Loving God,
We come together to thank you for each other. You created each of us in Your image and likeness. Through Your Son, You taught us how to show everyone the love, respect and kindness they deserve. Encourage us to share the good things of the earth and to work for justice and equality for every human being. Help us to treat everyone with dignity and love.
Catholic Social Teaching Principle: Stewardship
As Christians, we are called to be good stewards of creation.
That means we are meant to look after the world that God created for us. We must all work to leave our world in a better condition for the people who come after us.
Pope Francis said, ‘Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all.’ Pope Francis, Laudato Si’
Pope Francis wrote a letter called Laudato Si’, addressed to everyone in the whole world, asking us all to take care of our common home. You can see an animation of his letter here: https://cafod.org.uk/education/primary-teaching-resources/laudato-si-for-children
Remember, that even small actions can make a big difference in caring for God's creation. Always take a moment to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around you – it's a gift from God, and it's up to us to protect it.
Pray together:
Loving God,
Thank you for our world. You created the Earth for us to live and prosper in. You taught us how to care for the world you created.
Let us give thanks for the joy our world brings us and pray that we become good stewards of creation.
Catholic Social Teaching Principle: Family, Community and Participation
Pope Francis asks to think about the kind of world that we want to be part of and what we can offer, individually and as a community to build it.
The word ‘community’ is linked with the word ‘communion’, both share the same origin, meaning ‘fellowship’ and ‘shared by all’.
As human beings, we are called to live in community, with others, growing together and flourishing as a result. We are also called to get involved.
Pope Francis said, “Don’t be observers, but immerse yourself in the reality of life, as Jesus did.”
God calls all of us to get involved in whatever way we can, using our gifts and talents, to help build a better world. This might mean sharing our skills and talents, volunteering and, when we are old enough, taking part in politics. We’re all called to put love into action.
Say this prayer together:
Loving God,
Thank You for the gifts You have given each of us.
Help us to use our talents to help others and to make our community a better place.
Teach us to appreciate and support one another, just as You love and support us.
May we always follow the example of the Holy Family in our lives.
Catholic Social Teaching Principle: The Common Good
The common good means working together for the benefit of everyone, ensuring no one is left behind. It’s about respecting the rights and responsibilities of all people and recognising that we’re all connected.
This reminds us that while each person’s well-being is important, the health and happiness of our communities are equally essential. When we make choices, we’re called to think about how our actions impact everyone, not just ourselves.
Every little act of kindness contributes to the common good, and together, our actions can make a big difference. By working together in our homes, school, and community, we live out Jesus' call to care for one another and to serve the whole body of Christ.
Pray together:
Lord Jesus,
You call each one of us to belong to one people, the family of God.
Help us, together with our brothers and sisters to work together, to share your love and serve for the good of everyone. Amen
Catholic Social Teaching Principle: Solidarity
Solidarity means we believe in showing we care. In the Bible, St Paul writes a letter to the Galatians and says- ‘All of you are one in Christ.’ The Scripture tells us that God created us as one global family. It is important we show our brothers and sisters in need around the world that that we care.
Pope Francis teaches us through his own writing - “We are a single family living in a common home.” In his letter, Fratelli Tutti, he asks us to reach out to our sisters and brothers in need, whoever they are, wherever they may come from.
Human Dignity means made in the image of God, Common Good means working for the good of everyone and Solidarity means showing we care.
We can show we care in many ways ….
Pray together:
Heavenly Father, our hearts are brimming over with your love.
Help us to be generous and always ready to share this love with everyone we meet.