Welcome to our school website. St Joseph's is a happy and successful Catholic school, where pupils feel safe and they are helped to thrive.
Arriving Late to School
We wish to remind all parents and carers that if your child is late to school, i.e. arriving after 9.20 a.m., they must be signed in to school via the school office by an adult. (The same policy applies to Nursery children who arrive after 1.30 p.m.)
If pupils do enter the school after 9.20 a.m. unaccompanied, a member of staff will telephone their parent or carer to remind them of our lateness policy and request that the adult dropping the child off should return to the school to sign them in.
Child Absence
All children not attending school through sickness must be reported to the school by 10.00 a.m. on the day of sickness. Parents are then asked to keep the school informed as to when you expect your child to return. All requests for planned absence, including holiday requests, should be put in writing and addressed to the headteacher. Thank you.
Return to School after Sickness
Please note: if your child has been away from school due to vomiting or diarrhoea, they must not return to school for 48 hours after the last vomiting or diarrhoea incident.