
Welcome to our school website. St Joseph's is a happy and successful Catholic school, where pupils feel safe and they are helped to thrive.

School Logo

St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Rhufeinig Sant Joseff
Jesus: in our hearts, in our minds,
in our living, in our learning
Iesu: yn ein calonnau, yn ein
meddyliau, yn ein byw ac yn ein dysgu.


St Joseph's School Parliament

Pupil Voice is extremely strong in St Joseph's and pupils are very aware of their rights and responsibilities. All pupils and staff members in the school are members of the St Joseph's Parliament and this means they have rights and responsibilities in helping our school to be the best possible place for learning, playing and praying together. The work of the School Parliament is undertaken by the Government, which is made up of seven Government Groups. All pupils are members of a Government Group. 

The Government Groups create action plans each September with three main aims: 

1. To improve the school. 

2. To develop the local community. 

3. To help the United Nations to achieve the Global Goals. 

You can see this year's Government Group action plans under the 'Children' tab in the main menu. 

You can click on the links below to see the roles and responsibilities of our current Government Groups. 
