
Welcome to our school website. St Joseph's is a happy and successful Catholic school, where pupils feel safe and they are helped to thrive.

School Logo

St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Rhufeinig Sant Joseff
Jesus: in our hearts, in our minds,
in our living, in our learning
Iesu: yn ein calonnau, yn ein
meddyliau, yn ein byw ac yn ein dysgu.


Class Info

Welcome to Year 6

Class of 2024

Meet the class

Titanic Immersion Day 2022

Meet the staff


Y6 Teacher: Mr. Frost

Likes: Fun, music and bad jokes!

Dislikes: Being hungry.



Y6 LSAs: Mrs. Arshad and Mrs. Daniels

Four Purposes


At St Joseph’s the Four Purposes of the new Curriculum for Wales drive our provision for teaching and learning.  Through a broad and balanced curriculum, we enable all pupils to be:


Ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives

Enterprising, creative contributors ready to play a full part in life and work

Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world

Healthy, confident individuals ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society

PE Days

PE takes place on a Tuesday each week with Mr. Smith. Year 6 will have RealPE sessions with Mr. Frost on a Friday once a fortnight. On the alternate weeks, Year 6 will be joined by Mrs. Gardiner for Outdoor Learning sessions on a Monday.

For days with PE with Mr. Frost or Mr. Smith, full school PE kit is essential. Outdoor Learning sessions will require coats and suitable footwear depending on the time of year, as sessions will take place throughout the year in all weather.


Please note, PE Kit consists of:

  • House colour t-shirt (plain or with school logo) or white polo shirt.
  • Navy shorts or tracksuit bottoms.
  • Trainers.
  • Leavers Hoodies are for PE days only please.

Home clothes (football shirt of a team they support for example) are not permitted.

Class Charter

At the start of each year, our pupils reflect on what should be the shared values of a rights-respecting classroom. Pupils consider, in conjunction with the UNCRC, their rights and responsibilities, to ensure that all pupils are happy, safe and can meet their full potential within the classroom environment. The charter is ‘signed’ by all pupils and is displayed in the classroom.

Example Weekly Timetable - Outdoor Learning Week
































Home Learning Expectations

Each time your child begins a new Domain Unit e.g. All About Me, a Knowledge Organiser and Learning at Home Domain Guidance will be uploaded to Seesaw. This knowledge organiser allows you and your child to see the core knowledge for the domain of learning; the knowledge to be remembered. The Learning at Home Guidance gives parents, carers and pupils an overview of the domain, the key vocabulary, suggested reading materials and examples of independent projects that could be completed at home. You can also find these resources on the class page of the website under Domain Learning.


Each week, homework including spelling words to learn, maths learn-its and domain learn-its will be sent home in their Homework Book. Please ensure they return their book by the following Thursday at the latest. If they wish to bring their homework early, they may place the book on our dedicated Homework Book shelf.


In addition, your child may also be asked to complete a Domain Unit home-learning project, a piece of homework linked to the Come and See topic, a chapter from the Skills Unit they are studying, reading comprehension or a worksheet to consolidate their learning in maths.

Welsh Sentence Patterns
