
Welcome to our school website. St Joseph's is a happy and successful Catholic school, where pupils feel safe and they are helped to thrive.

School Logo

St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Rhufeinig Sant Joseff
Jesus: in our hearts, in our minds,
in our living, in our learning
Iesu: yn ein calonnau, yn ein
meddyliau, yn ein byw ac yn ein dysgu.


Tîm Cymreig

To provide a lead in matters related to the Welsh language, heritage and culture, including:

  • promoting the use of Welsh throughout the school

  • Cwricwlwm Cymreig

  • arrangements for St David’s Day.

All Government Groups will also be expected to:

  • contribute to the effective running of The Cabinet through providing clear and effective communication about their work

  • communicate progress made with their action plan to all school stakeholders

  • raise funds for supporting the Parliament’s Global Goals work.

UNCRC Link: Article 19 – Children have the right to a name and nationality.
